December 2023

Lacy's hand crafted signs and their honorees for the garden areas at the LEAF Center
Transition and Transformation
From Elaine, President of LEAF
Winter has arrived with its cool air and freezing winds. Brrr. The gardeners have been busy removing and composting the summer plants and replacing them with cover crops like our favorite fava beans and winter plant like the brassicas (kale, collards) and alliums (garlic, onion).
In addition to the seasonal transition, we have embarked on a critical must do humungous project:
MISSION: POSSIBLE - Stone Garden Dead Reckoning
We were informed earlier this year that the Stone Garden property was sold and we would need to move.
After taking a big gulp, we knew our first major task was to secure more property including an area for parking so we could transition from LEAF Stone Garden. We have been negotiating with Alameda County Water District (ACWD) and the City of Fremont (COF) for two lots behind Stone Garden. Both agencies have been very supportive of LEAF. We are pleased to announce that the contract with ACWD is slated to be finalized this month so we will have a place to move and to park. YAY!
The first phase in preparation for our move was called the Junk-It Project which was the arduous task of “spring cleaning” our gardens. (Think of your garage plus yard times 20!) One of our gardeners volunteered to be the benevolent drill sergeant and we all fell in line organizing and cleaning the garden junk piles. We filled a 30 yard dumpster, 3 bulky pick ups and many home trash bins the past month! The dumpster was picked up right after Thanksgiving so the Junk-It Project is DONE ; )

The next phases are the Move-It and Build-It projects. Both of these projects require lots of volunteer hours and $$$. We have an amazing group of volunteers that are ready to work. What we need now are funds. Our grant team has been working hard to search and apply for every grant available. The earliest we will get notification if we have secured one is the spring of 2024. We are keeping our fingers crossed.
My task now is to raise funds. This is not an easy task for me to do. My parents instilled in me to be self sufficient and to live within my means, so asking for money from others is very difficult. But I believe strongly in LEAF’s Mission to inspire our community to become good environmental stewards through education using innovative regenerative agriculture, and to continue our philanthropic endeavors of growing and donating food to our local food banks so I'm asking. These are the estimated funds that are needed to design and install the infrastructure for our new LEAF Urban Garden and Parking Area:
$31K for design, supplies and installation of a drip irrigation system for one acre of farmland
$5K for fencing, parking lot, walkways for ADA and pedestrian safety to meet ACWD/COF code
$3K for a shipping container to secure our tools and supplies so they don’t get stolen, again
TODAY: LEAF Urban Garden is a barren field with little infrastructure and no irrigation system.

TOMORROW: With your support, LEAF Urban Garden will transform to look like our Bee Sanctuary Garden

Please hit the donate button if you feel aligned with our mission so we can continue to develop spaces
to educate our community, regenerate the soil, and provide food for those most in need.
Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated.
We also accept checks. Payable to LEAF at PO Box 2816, Fremont CA 94536.

LEAF Board and Volunteers were joined by Assembly Member, Alex Lee, and his Field Rep Matthew Jorgens to celebrate the volunteers accomplishments this year. We gathered at the LEAF Center which has transformed into a thriving community garden with planters full of fruits and vegetables for the members and for donation to the food banks. The garden includes the Etter Orchard comprised of heirloom apple trees by the plant breeder, Albert Etter, Bruce’s Corner with an orange tree and sage, our 'Farmacy' with an array of Katie’s Medicinal Herbs, and upcoming Tom and Jerry’s Berries patch. Cruise by the LEAF Center while taking a stroll through the California Nursery Historical Park in Niles to see the LEAF Center transformation.

LEAF Volunteer Appreciation Lunch

What a Giving Team!
Our Working Board
* Bruce * Elaine * Jerry * Lorna * Richard
Our Amazing Core Volunteers
* Alan B * Anu N * Eva Z * Katie K * Mike S * Syndee K * Tom B
Our Wonderful Worker Bees
* Carol E * Chris H * David M * Eric C * Eddie T * Erycah T * Katherine K * Lacy K * Lisha O * Mark O
* Michele M * Nate B * Phil S * Sonia C * Suzanne M * Zoe C
Our Inspiring Educators
* Aarti P * Alan B * Guy D * Joyce Q * Kannika L * Katie K * Jeanne N * Jeannie P * Jerry K * Lori C
* Mayank M * Michele Y * Phil S * Rebecca H * Sejal C * Syndee K * Trevor P
Our Students for LEAF
* Arushi S * Elka H * Gabriella I * Khloe G * Kianna G * Mallika S * Misato A * Priyanka S * Winston G
Our Contributing Scouts
* Aditya V * Aliya A * Andrew C * Angelina W * Aryan M * Jacob S * Kevin Y * Maurya P * Rikhil S
* Rohan S * Ved S * Zahra N
Our Lifetime Members
* Bruce C * Carolyn H * Chris S * Elaine O * Irshad R * Margery L * Mark O * Mary N * Mayank M
* Mei O * Sybil H * Valerie S
Our Community Partners:
* Alameda County Water District * Centro De Servicios and The Daily Bowl * Code Hobbits
* City of Fremont: Depts of Parks and Recreation, Environmental Services, Building and Safety
* Dale Hardware * Eeviee * Fremont BeeKeepers * Girl and Boy Scouts in the Bay Area * Niles Rotary Club
* Renee Gardens * StopWaste and Compost Gal * Tri-City Ecology Center and Urban Forest Friends
* Tri-City Volunteers Food Bank * Rotary Young Professionals * Youth for Good
If you'd like to be a part of our volunteer team, contact us at volunteer@fremontleaf.org.

LEAF is a purpose driven organization and we accomplish what we do through our working board, volunteers, educators, students and partners. Thank you, thank you, for your time, energy, dedication and enthusiasm. You're awesome!

Food Donations
At LEAF, we work year-round to feed our community by planting, nurturing, and harvesting fresh produce that we donate to our local food banks.
Produce Donations YTD: 6262 lbs.
We are only 238 lbs from our 6500 goal.
You can help meet the goal by harvesting your fruit and dropping it off at LEAF Stone Garden. See info below under Fruit Tree Gleaning.

Fruit Tree Gleaning
Every Monday and Thursday from 9am to 10:30am, you can bring donations of fresh fruit from your trees to LEAF Stone Garden. Your donations will be added to the volumes of produce we grow and deliver to our food banks to help out our friends and neighbors. More info at fremontleaf.org/glean.
Fresh imperfect fruit is good!
Here's what's growing in the neighborhood!

Got questions? We've got answers at info@fremontleaf.org.
LEAF Stone Garden is located behind
the Mission Valley Veterinary Clinic at 55 Mowry Ave.

LEAF Honey Sales
Our LEAF Bees were busily buzzing in the blossoming flowers gathering
nectar and pollen this summer which means we have jars of honey for sale.
Honey sales fund the care of the bees, their hives and our pollinator gardens. Honey is $24 for a 24 oz jar. Purchase at our LEAF Shop.

Lazy Saturdays?
Get BUSY as a LEAF volunteer! On the 2nd Saturday of every month from
9 am to noon, your help is needed to tackle projects that benefit
from a group effort. Be a part of a community helping a community.
More info at fremontleaf.org/volunteer.
Our next volunteer work days are: SATURDAY DEC 9TH & JAN 13TH
Gathering, Gardening
It's tough to find knowledgable gardeners to ask questions. Talkin' Dirt will
provide you with a platform to engage with others from the comfort of your own home on the first Wednesday of each month from 7PM to 8PM. Join Master Gardeners and a horticulturist for this special hour-long online gathering.
Regardless of your gardening experience, we'd love to have you!
To register, visit fremontleaf.org/talkindirt.
Our next online gatherings are: WEDNESDAY DEC 6TH & JAN 3RD