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February 2024


Our Big MOVE!
From Elaine, President of LEAF

Since last October we have been dismantling and moving LEAF Stone Garden plant by plant, planter box by planter box to an adjacent plot of land known as LEAF Urban Garden. We broke down our beloved stage, ripped out pavers and fencing, re-homed our worm bins and bee hives, and moved our kitchen and patio. With all these “lighter” items moved, we were faced with the remaining awkward and heavier structures; porta-potty, lath house, greenhouse, bee shed, and two shipping containers. In January, we prepped the structures and land for moving with the goal of moving them by the end of the month. Last week, we said, “Bring it on! We are ready for the big MOVE." We rented a humongous forklift and we proceeded to moved those structures plus everything else in its pathway. It was a very muddy, arduous but very productive week. When we finished, we all felt like we won the 2024 Super Muddy Bowl LVIII with very high spirits, dirty clothes and sore bodies ; )


Please hit the donate button if you feel aligned with our mission so we can continue to develop spaces
to educate our community, regenerate the soil, and provide food for those most in need.
Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated.

We also accept checks. Payable to LEAF at PO Box 2816, Fremont CA 94536.

LEAF Stone Garden as of 1/31/2024 with all the plants, planter boxes, and structures removed. The barren land looks very similar to when we started 10 years ago except the soil is much healthier. It's richer in nutrients, microbes, worms and sequesters more carbon due to the regenerative soil practices we used. 


Thank you
Thomas Family Foundation

We received a very generous gift this year from the Thomas Family Foundation to fund the infrastructure of our new Urban Garden. Their financial gift, along with the dedication of our amazing LEAF volunteers, will transform the Urban Garden from a weedy field to a productive food garden. THANK YOU BOB and LEAF Volunteers!


Photo of the LEAF Board, LEAF Volunteers and Bob under the hand carved wood sign by Bruce, one of the founders of LEAF.

LEAF is in the Tri-City Voice

LEAF is in the news. Check out this well written article by Dan O’Donnell, a fellow gardener, in the Tri-City Voice, January 23 issue,  page 13.


2024 LEAF       Earth Day

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LEAF will be participating in the City of Fremont Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 20 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Fremont Downtown Event Center. Our booths focus on environmental sustainability with an emphasis on gardening, reuse and recycling. We will have space for over 20 booths in the grass area. Last year we talked for 4 hours straight. We hope to do the same this year. Mark your calendars. See you there!


Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and High School Students this is an excellent opportunity for a environmental or recycling service project. If you or your organization is interested in joining us in the LEAF area, please contact us at

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Food Donations

At LEAF, we work year-round to feed our community by planting, nurturing, and harvesting fresh produce that we donate to our local food banks.


YTD Produce Donations: 277 lbs.

2024 goal of 4500 lbs.

You can help meet the goal by harvesting your fruit and dropping it off at LEAF Stone Garden. See info below under Fruit Tree Gleaning.


Fruit Tree Gleaning

Every Monday and Thursday from 9am to 10:30am, you can bring donations of fresh fruit from your trees to LEAF Stone Garden. Your donations will be added to the volumes of produce we grow and deliver to our food banks to help out our friends and neighbors. More info at


Fresh imperfect fruit is good


Thanks for your donations of 196 pounds of fruit so far this year!


Got questions? We've got answers at

LEAF Stone Garden is located behind

Mission Valley Veterinary Clinic at 55 Mowry Ave near Mission Blvd.

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LEAF Honey Sales

Our LEAF Bees were busily buzzing last summer which means we have jars of honey for sale. Honey sales fund the care of the bees, their hives and our pollinator gardens. Honey is $24 for a 24 oz jar. Purchase at our LEAF Shop.


Lazy Saturdays?

Get BUSY as a LEAF volunteer! On the 2nd Saturday of every month from

9 am to noon, your help is needed to tackle projects that benefit

from a group effort. Be a part of a community helping a community.

More info at


  Our next volunteer work days are: SATURDAY FEB 10TH and MAR 9TH

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Gathering, Gardening

It's tough to find knowledgable gardeners to ask questions. Talkin' Dirt will

provide you with a platform to engage with others from the comfort of your own home on the first Wednesday of each month from 7PM to 8PM. Join Master Gardeners and a Horticulturist for this special hour-long online gathering.

Regardless of your gardening experience, we'd love to have you!

To register, visit


Our next online gatherings are: WEDNESDAY FEB 7TH & MAR 6TH


We also accept checks. Payable to LEAF at PO Box 2816, Fremont CA 94536.

©2023 Local Ecology and Agriculture Fremont (LEAF)

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