Earth Day Celebration Saturday April 23 11am to 3pm Fremont Event Center
3500 Capitol Ave Downtown Fremont

Join your friends at LEAF along with many other local organizations as we gather to celebrate and share the many ways we all can invest in our planet. Look for our LEAF banners for friendly faces and information about how you too can invest in our planet.

Here are some of the topics we will be presenting.
LEAF Center Community Garden
LEAF Food Gardens
Bees & Pollinators
Composting Worms
Tree Planting, Maintaining and Pruning
Cycling Energy with Code Hobbits
Reducing Packaging and Food Waste
Upcycle your Clothing
2022 Earth Day Recycling Event
Talkin' Dirt LIVE!
Plus lots of expert Gardening Advice
Mark your calendars. We hope to see you there!