In California, 80% of the population lives in urban areas, making trees a vital part of daily life in cities. Trees are key to environmental justice, improved quality of life, and public health — yet our urban trees are under compounding threats from development, budgetary pressures, and global climate change. Now more than ever, we must come together to preserve and renew our urban forests.
In an effort to turn this around, the Canopy organization in Palo Alto, CA invites you to become a certified Community Forrester! This special course takes place over 9 weeks via Zoom and includes in-person gatherings on weekends. Their goal is to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and training you need to take action in your own community. Zoom classes are held each Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30pm. It all begins on September 14th!
Cities without trees are not something we'd care to envision. Trees are as much a part of our lives as our neighbors whose company we enjoy each day. We hope you'll take advantage of this amazing opportunity. To learn more about Canopy's Community Forestry School and to enroll, visit